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Last news

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"Olympiad of Five Initiatives"

Sports competitions

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"Pride of our Academic Lyceum" an event dedicated to awarding scholarships was held.

An event dedicated to the awarding of scholarships "Pride of our Academic Lyceum" was held at the academic lyceum of the Samarkand branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi.

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Youth festival winner

Youth festival winner

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Last call

Last call

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Imomaberdiyeva Mohigul Hasanovna, the poetess of the academic lyceum

Imomaberdiyeva Mohigul Hasanovna, the poetess of the academic lyceum


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Attention competition

Attention competition

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Admission 2023-2024

Admission 2023-2024

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For the first programming competition in the academic lyceum

For the first programming competition in the academic lyceum

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⚡️Akademik litseylarga kirish test sinovlari o‘tkazilish sanasi va vaqti aniq bo‘ldi

Kirish test sinovlari 2022-yil 22-avgust kuni Davlat test markazi tomonidan maxsus belgilangan hududlarda bir smenada o‘tkaziladi.

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Birinchi bosqich imtihon natijalari

Aniq fanlar iqtisod

Iqtidorli o'quvchilar

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Qayumov Jo’rabek Ulug’bek o’g’li
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Abdumo’minov Alisher Boxodir o’g’li
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Ravshanova Ziyoda O’ktam qizi
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Narzullayev Obloyar Nasim o’g’li
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Qurbonova Sevinch Muzaffar qizi
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Suyunov Hasan Adburahim o’g’li
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Baxriddinova Saodat Baxtiyor qizi




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